A.M.E.N. Donations

St. Paul donated a total of 962 pounds of food to AMEN as of 9/13 in 2022!

That is AMAZING! However, donations are down from 2021 by 300 pounds. Monetary donations for this year to AMEN are $2,900. AMEN has struggled in recent months with supply chain issues from their supplier. Please keep them in your thoughts when you shop, even a modest amount to your personal shopping list can make a huge impact to someone in need.

The second weekend of each month is when we emphasize AMEN donations, but we are happy to take them all month long! There is a cart in the Narthex and green baskets on the office porch and under the drive-through. Monetary donations to AMEN are also welcome – just mark your envelope AMEN.

Thank you for your generous donations.