Coming Soon! New Recurring Events

Family Sunday Brunch will begin on Sunday, October 6. This group will offer brunch during the social hour after services in the Fellowship Hall. After the breakfast, families and their children will meet in the parlor to have a family learning activity and crafts with a Christian education theme. This will be the first Sunday of each month.
Second Saturday Cinema will begin on Saturday, October 12, 2024. St. Paul will be hosting a Parents Night Out. The event will be from 5-7pm and dinner will be served to those attending. The LYO youth will be assisting with the program. A movie will be shown and popcorn will be served during the movie. Registration forms will be placed on the Church WEB site and on the Facebook pages to assist with an idea of who is attending for meal preparation. Everyone is invited: this is NOT limited to parents with children! This will be the second Saturday of the month.