Come Inside
When you enter the church, signs can help direct you to the sanctuary, fellowship hall, bathrooms, etc. In the Narthex outside the sanctuary, our greeters and ushers will greet you warmly and offer you a bulletin outlining the order of service. You may ask them any questions at this time, as well. After you receive your bulletin, enter the sanctuary and sit wherever you like. You’ll hear prelude music before the service begins. You can find hymnals and bibles available but all necessary materials are printed in the bulletin and/or displayed on the screens.
Find a Spot for Kids
Children (and their voices!) are welcome in worship at St. Paul, and families are encouraged to worship together. We have a brief Children’s service in the middle of our worship service where children are encouraged to come to the front. We have activity bags available with crayons, coloring books, and other materials for children. There is a nursery space across the hallway from in the Fellowship Hall where you can go if your child needs a brief break during the service; the worship service is broadcasted to this room. If needing to stretch outside, we have our ‘Ark’ playground outside that hallway door. We encourage families to do what works best for them.
Worship Service Dynamics
Most services are approximately one hour long. On the third Sunday of the month, we have a special praise band service. Other services may include a choir or handbell choir hymn. You can find in the pews an attendance sheet to which you are encouraged to add your name as a visitor. Entrance and exit from the sanctuary is in the back so you can discreetly enter and leave if ever needed; ushers wait in the narthex and can help direct you if needed.
At St. Paul, all are welcome to the Lord’s table. Communion is held at each worship service. At communion time, parishioners are ushered to the front by row, and communion is taken standing one at a time. White grape juice is in the center of the tray of cups. If you are physically unable to come forward for communion, please tell an usher and communion will be brought to you. If you have children who receive communion please notify the pastor when you approach. If they do not receive communion they are welcome to still come to the front to receive a blessing. You may also remain in your pew and use a prepackaged kit; please pick one up from a greeter at the beginning of service.
Snack & Chat
After the church service, we gather for coffee, snacks, and conversation in the Fellowship Hall. Make yourself at home; we are eager to meet you!
Adult Bible Study and Children Sunday School take place following our Sunday service. Please join us, all are welcome!