Letter from Council President Karen Bellue

Hello All,
Fall is finally here! Some may say in Texas that doesn’t mean much but I am embracing the new season and I hope you all are too. Your council met this past Tuesday, September 20th.

Some months there are agenda items that require a great deal of attention and other months there are simply house keeping items acted upon. This was one of those meetings. Below you will find an account of items discussed.

Dianne Lude reported that on October 30th there will be a Sunday Fun Day pumpkin carving event.

Atlan Citzler gave an update on memorial funded projects. He said he will present a list of 2022 projects in its entirety ayt the next annual meeting in January.

Russell Dittrich shared there is soon to be a synod-wide meeting regarding mission projects in Peru and elsewhere. The church we have contributed to in the past there has not responded to communications in the last year or more. We will look to the synod for guidance in this matter.

After a recent property committee meeting David Ehler shared a report outlining painting projects to be considered after bids are secured. Gutter cleaning, curbing the playground, contracting electrical work for both the church and the office are all projects that will be moving forward this fall. This month rental house issues were shared. A new dishwasher was purchased and rotting entry points through the basement area will need repair. Fencing will need to be replace on another rental house. The largest project will be an extensive trimming of the oak trees on the property that will take place in October or November. The next property committee meeting will be October 11th to discuss bids and timelines for these projects.

Russell Dittrich let the council know that the new website is under production and is 80% completed. The next step is to decide who, what, where and how it will be maintained and updated after rolling out.

Ruth also brought her concerns about the ancient office copier. It was decided we would continue with the same company for services and lease a new one.

Work on reviving the nursery will be continuing in the next few weeks. We will let you and the young families of the congregation know when it is ready for littles.

As always, your council is here to serve our congregation. Please share any blessings or concerns with any of us. We want to thank all of you who worship with us on weekends and who volunteer throughout the month for making Saint Paul Lutheran a house where we all feel like God’s family.

Karen B. Bellue, council president