• Music

    Music is alive at St. Paul Lutheran Church! We offer a variety of musical groups to take part in. While our worship services are traditional, our praise band leads worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays with a more contemporary beat.

    We welcome all to join any and all groups! Music is an integral part of worship, not just a performance. Join us!

    For all questions related to music, please contact Kathy Toensing 979-966-3376 or stop by at services.

    Practice Schedule

    All rehearsals are on Wednesdays in the sanctuary and begin Sept. 3, 2022.

    BELLS*  6pm

    CHOIR  7pm

    PRAISE  8pm

    *An additional note regarding the hand bell choir*

    The bell choir does require a level of commitment for attending rehearsals and playing during the worship services. We plan to play the fourth Sunday each month, which can certainly be adjusted when/if necessary. This may help your decision to join the bell choir. We welcome EVERYONE who would like to learn to play hand bells and we hope to have our regulars return as well as lots of new faces!

  • Adult Bible Study

    Our Adult Bible Study changes monthly. Be sure to check our events calendar for up-to-date information!

  • Sewing Groups

    Monday Morning Quilters:

    When:  Mondays

    Where:  St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall

    Time:  9am

    Join the Monday Morning Quilters every Monday in the Fellowship Hall to hand quilt.

    Tacky Tuesday:

    When:  One Tuesday a month

    Where:  St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall

    We hold Tacky Tuesday once a month, also held in the fellowship hall. Pin quilts, tack quilts, cut batting, and iron fabric all to be sent as a finished quilt to Lutheran World Relief. A potluck meal follows for everyone to join in fellowship.

  • Youth Programs


    Confirmation will resume in the fall and goes for two years, fall -spring.

    Sunday School

    Sunday School, which meets in the fall and spring.

    Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School is held over the summer for a week and done in partnership with Lutherhill’s Day Camp Program

  • Fishers of Men

    When:  Second Monday each month

    Where:  Member’s Homes

    Time:  6:30pm

    Fishers of Men is mostly a social organization of Christian men, but we also benefit the church and the community. Here is our recently adopted ministry/mission statement:

    Fishers of Men is a fellowship and service organization that meets on the second Monday of each month from September to May at 6:30 PM. The group meets in member’s homes for fellowship, a meal, and a program. An annual retreat is held in January at Meiners Ranch. New members and visitors are always welcome. Fishers of Men help with various St. Paul projects and financially supports various community needs.

    Click here to read about 2023’s retreat!

  • Friends in Faith

    When:  First Monday each month

    Where:  Member’s Homes

    Time:  6:30 pm

    Friends in Faith began in 1980 when a group of busy women at St. Paul’s responded to the need for a group devoted simply to Bible study without customary structural hierarchy and attendance constraints. Originally, the group used the name “Martha Circle”, which changed to Friends in Faith (FIF) as needs evolved. Charter members included Carolyn Bennetsen, Nettie Mae Freudenberg, Beverly Goldman, Debbie Higgins, Elva Keilers, Kay Marburger, and Betty Schmidt.

    FIF seeks to practice its Christian commitment by observing, planning, and meeting special needs within the congregation, in our community, and globally. Every Christmas we make fruit baskets for all of our homebound members. Some of our other projects include Peru and our sister church Emanuel, the prayer garden at St. Paul’s in memory of our FIF member Diane Macaulay, Turtle Wing, St. Paul LYO, WELCA, Relay for Life, international students at Texas Lutheran University, Ukraine, and other interests in and outside of our community.

    We meet on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at a member’s home. We welcome anyone who wants to attend! If you need more information, feel free to contact Carolyn Bennetsen, Kathy Toensing, or the church office.

  • LYO Program

    When:  Most Wednesdays

    Where:  St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall

    Time:  6:30 pm

    LYO is a High School Youth Group for kids from across Fayette County. We seek to minister to youth of all backgrounds and beliefs by providing opportunities for growth, community, and acceptance. We meet most Wednesdays at St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 pm. We share dinner together before getting into some activities and a lesson for the week. At the end of the night, youth are invited to share what’s going on in their lives with each other. Whether a youth has been a part of St Paul or another church their whole lives, if they are a complete newcomer to the Christian faith, or anywhere in between, they are welcomed here! All we ask of you is that you be yourself and respect others for being themselves too.

    If you would like to receive updates about this group, you can join the LYO Remind Thread by texting “@lyok” to 81010. If you have Instagram, you can find us at @lyostpaul.

  • A.M.E.N. Area Ministry for Emergency Needs

    A.M.E.N. was started in 1992 and is an interdenominational, non-profit, 501 c(3) organization that provides food, rent and utility assistance to residents of Fayette County.

    A.M.E.N. operates solely on contributions and/or food donations received from churches, organizations, groups, and individuals. There are currently 13 churches that supply volunteers to A.M.E.N. that work on a weekly rotating basis.

    All client applications are screened by client interviewers to determine the kind of assistance needed. A.M.E.N. is a Partner Affiliate with the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. Capital Area Food Bank distributes an average of 15 million pounds of food per year, to more than 370 non-profit agencies in 21 Central Texas Counties, who then distribute the food to the people in need.

    Interested in joining the A.M.E.N. Ministry? Contact the Church Office for more information.

  • Second Chance Emporium


    841 South Reynolds Street
    La Grange, TX 78945



    Second Chance Emporium provides financial support for local human services organizations with the profits generated by the resale (thrift) store, which is run by a coalition of eight local churches representing different denominations.

    Begun in 1996, Second Chance serves all of Fayette County. We moved into our new building in January 2020. The majority of the work is performed by unpaid volunteers from the member churches, as well as the community at large. These churches receive no monies or in-kind donations from Second Chance for the service hours their parishioners donate. Second Chance accepts donations of items in good, working, usable condition from the public and resells them at very low prices in order to benefit the underprivileged members of our community. Profits from the sale of these items are distributed to local charities which have applied for funding and been selected by the Funds Committee of the Second Chance Emporium Board of Directors.

  • Lutherhill

    Lutherhill Ministries is a year-round summer camp and retreat center with two locations – in La Grange and Galveston. Since 1954, Lutherhill has welcomed all people of every generation to experience the Love of Christ in unique settings and new ways. Campers of all ages explore their faith and grow individually through Bible study, worship and devotions and with activities like High Ropes, Arts & Crafts, Archery and Aquatics.

    Learn More

  • TX LA Gulf Coast Synod

    The TX-LA Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a network of 108 Lutheran congregations, missions, and ministries working together to plant churches, support churches around the world, prepare pastors, help congregations find pastors, support congregations in crisis, encourage evangelism, generosity and ministry among people of all ages.

    Each congregation is a mission outpost called to a unique setting and gifted in particular ways to carry out their mission. We represent many predecessor expressions of Lutheran tradition and weave together our various pasts for the hope of a stronger mission in partnership with one another.

    Learn More