A.M.E.N. Area Ministry for Emergency Needs
A.M.E.N. was started in 1992 and is an interdenominational, non-profit, 501 c(3) organization that provides food, rent and utility assistance to residents of Fayette County.
A.M.E.N. operates solely on contributions and/or food donations received from churches, organizations, groups, and individuals. There are currently 13 churches that supply volunteers to A.M.E.N. that work on a weekly rotating basis.
All client applications are screened by client interviewers to determine the kind of assistance needed. A.M.E.N. is a Partner Affiliate with the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. Capital Area Food Bank distributes an average of 15 million pounds of food per year, to more than 370 non-profit agencies in 21 Central Texas Counties, who then distribute the food to the people in need.
Interested in joining the A.M.E.N. Ministry? Contact the Church Office for more information.