LYO Program

When: Most Wednesdays
Where: St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:30 pm
LYO is a High School Youth Group for kids from across Fayette County. We seek to minister to youth of all backgrounds and beliefs by providing opportunities for growth, community, and acceptance. We meet most Wednesdays at St. Paul in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 pm. We share dinner together before getting into some activities and a lesson for the week. At the end of the night, youth are invited to share what’s going on in their lives with each other. Whether a youth has been a part of St Paul or another church their whole lives, if they are a complete newcomer to the Christian faith, or anywhere in between, they are welcomed here! All we ask of you is that you be yourself and respect others for being themselves too.
If you would like to receive updates about this group, you can join the LYO Remind Thread by texting “@lyok” to 81010. If you have Instagram, you can find us at @lyostpaul.